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    Prior versions of BNU directly supported various multitaskers
    by allowing for  "poll" detection on status and character I/O
    calls made to the FOSSIL.  When BNU sensed a task was "idle",
    it automatically gave  time slices  up  during  "polling"  to
    other tasks in the system.

    This internal multitasker  support  has  been   removed  from
    BNU.COM and BNU.SYS,   and   the   /X  switch  is  no  longer
    implemented.  However, the current  version  of BNU does have
    'hooks' for an installable driver to link into  BNU and carry
    out this task.   This  eliminates  much  of  the  unnecessary
    "baggage" suffered by users  of  BNU  who  do  not  need this
    feature.  It also  eliminates  code  made  redundant  by  not
    having all multitasker   time   slice   resident   at   once,
    irrespective of which specific  multitasker  is in use.  Only
    that code which is actually used and plays a part  in support
    of the multitasker itself is loaded.

    While this current release (1.70) is not accompanied by these
    drivers (which are   now   [October,  1989]  in  beta  test),
    multitasking appendages for DESQview/TopView  and  PC-MOS/386
    will soon be available.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson